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New posts in restful-authentication

OAuth REST access_token and instance_url expiry time?

What is the correct way to authorize and structure a RESTful backend

What are the pros and cons of Basic HTTP authenication

WCF 4.0 REST username password authentication

CSRF Token in REST API with authentication

Developing Azure functions locally

Authentication with a REST API

cURL PHP RESTful service always returning FALSE

Codeigniter, Restful API & How to use Keys

Authentication with Kong

Google App Engine: Endpoints authentication with ID and password

RESTful Service Authentication

What is the best way to extend restful_authentication/AuthLogic to support lazy logins by an anonymous iPhone?

Rails Web service with authentication??? User logged in ??

Ruby on Rails functional testing with the RESTful Authentication plugin

How exactly does Json Web Token (JWT) reduce the man-in-the loop attack?

Add a logout button in RESTFUL authentication

Restful API authentication recommendation?

REST API: Simple token-based authentication - security?