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XML POST REST Request using Python

python xml rest post harvest

Sending protocol buffers via REST

How to 'web enable' a legacy C++ application

c++ c apache rest wt

WCF REST RequestInterceptor authentication

Create custom oAuth Server With Zend

php zend-framework rest oauth

Zend: What is the most common way to create Rest Zend routes?

RestKit with Three20 Integration

PHP REST API with ETAG support?

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RESTful hypermedia, relative or absolute URI's

rest uri

uploading large xml to WCF REST service -> 400 Bad request

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Single HTML site using only client side templates and Rest calls

REST - HTTP DELETE - semantics - only delete descendants

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REST - model state transitions

SQLite transactions with Google IO REST pattern's ContentProvider?

RESTful design: using ETag and If-None-Match for fetching new items in a collection?


What is the technology behind Windows Azure REST Api?

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Get PATCH request data in PHP

php rest

Thrift as a Public API replacement for REST?

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Geocoding libraries [closed]

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Is HTTP status code 426 Upgrade Required only meant signal an upgrade to a secure channel is required?

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