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Reshape in R when "time" values differ between subjects

r reshape

Reshaping in julia

python-3.x numpy reshape julia

Casting with more that one value variable R [duplicate]

r reshape

How to turn multiple columns into observations [duplicate]

reshape an array of images

python arrays numpy reshape

Pandas long to wide format with multi-index

Create a dataframe from a dataframe

Creating New Data Frame in R

How do I shrink a matrix using an array mask in MATLAB?

How do I stack only some columns in a data frame?

r reshape

Splitting strings into multiple rows in R

string r reshape

A reshape puzzle in data.table

r data.table reshape

Partially transposing a data frame

r reshape

R - Split a one column dataframe into multiple columns

r dataframe reshape

Pandas reshape dataframe every N rows to columns

python pandas numpy reshape

R: How to reshape a table into vectors

r list vector reshape

Using column name as a new attribute in pandas

python pandas reshape

Reshape Data Frame from Long to Wide with Condensed Columns

r reshape

Julia: A fast and elegant way to get a matrix from an array of arrays

Converting a dataframe from "wide" format to "long" format in R

r dataframe data.table reshape