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New posts in requirements

How to make your embedded C code immune to requirement changes without adding too much overhead and complexity?

c embedded requirements

Is there such a thing as a "Non-Functional Use Case"?

How to determine minimum system requirements

How do I calculate minimum system requirements?

c# .net system requirements

Gathering Requirements with Scrum [closed]

How to avoid "bad" requirements [closed]


How can I learn about writing project specs? [closed]

What is the best way of formally expressing usability requirements? [closed]

usability requirements hci

Using a Wiki for Requirements Management? [closed]

Should I accept IE 5.0 (!) as a browser requirement for a project? [closed]

What are functional and non functional parts of an application?


OSGi: What's the difference between Import-Package/Export-Package and Require-Capability/Provide Capability?

In agile/scrum user stories, how much detail is enough? [closed]

agile scrum requirements

Real world example where event capturing is necessary / preferred?

How to tell a project manager "NO" to scope creep [closed]

Best way to avoid scope creep as a developer with no project management [closed]

User stories vs use cases

Upstream and Downstream definition


Is there a difference between use cases and functional requirements?

How to determine the minimum JRE version and system requirements for my Java application