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How can I learn about writing project specs? [closed]

I recently read through Code Complete, and it recommends that I create a project specification before actually coding.

The book didn't go very far into detail about what 'specs' are, and how they are made. Because this is a crucial part of software development, I would like to know how to create quality specs that are not too exhaustive.

Where can I learn more about software specifications? Or any of the other prerequisites outlined in Code Complete?

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alecwh Avatar asked Jun 30 '09 04:06


People also ask

What makes a good project specification?

A good project specification is a simple but complete description of a software's functionality and purpose. It contains descriptions of how the software will be used from a user perspective and performance details such as speed, availability, and response time.

What is model specification in project writing?

Model specification is the process by which variables are selected to be included in a model (MacCallum, 1995). There is a tension in model specification between including all relevant variables and conserving statistical power.

2 Answers

Here's Joel's article on Function Design documents.


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AndyMcKenna Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 22:10


If you are looking for books, I can recommend two right now, and in fact, I ordered a third because it looked good.

The two I can recommend fully are:

  • Software Requirements (2nd Edition)
  • More about Software Requirements

I also ordered a third book:

  • Software Requirements Patterns
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Thomas Owens Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 20:10

Thomas Owens