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New posts in require

Node.js require() vs RequireJS?

Webpack multiple requires resolving to same file but being imported twice

How to avoid node require loading same module twice

Exporting a prototype in node.js: module.exports=Prototype or exports.Prototype=Prototype?

What are the performance implications of using require_dependency in Rails 3 applications?

browserify bundle electron app main process file

Node.js Express: require/use one app within another

node.js express require

Cannot load `Cwd` (and other, non-core, modules) at runtime

perl import module require

require vs load vs include vs import in Racket

Why can't I use functions from javascript-files that are imported by require()?

javascript require electron

How to import a component or file in React using variables?

What is the best way to include PHP libraries when using static factory pattern?

Using Node.js modules in HTML

Using multiple directives in require with Angularjs

cordova-plugin-crypt-file - requireCordovaModule error

cordova module require

When is RequireJS' require call asynchronous? When is it synchronous?

In Node, how do I require files inside eval?

Node JS Require throw AssertionError: missing path

What could be the reason that `require` doesn't work in some places?

require raku

javascript require doesn't work inside html