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New posts in require

Gulp TypeError: dest.on is not a function

nodejs Import require conversion

Extending Array.prototype in Node.js, from a require'd file

javascript node.js require

Why would you want to include/require multiple times?

php include require

Web scraping with CasperJS returns strange error that isn't documented

Webpack require array of requirements (require dynamic string)

javascript webpack require

`require` vs. `gem` methods?

ruby gem require

Is it possible to conditionally require_once, set globals, or set constants?

php conditional require

Resolve "Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined" error in Node.js

using parameters with ruby require

PHP include file extensions?

Global variable vs. require.cache in NodeJS

Nodejs require returns same old file when requiring a second time after the file changed

javascript node.js require

How to tell if a file has already been required?

php require

How does 'require' operates differently from 'import' es6?

What's the point of having both include and require constructs in PHP?

Require returns an array instead of a boolean

ruby require