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New posts in require-once

PHP Check If require_once() Content Is Empty

Force php to look at Document Root

php require-once

PHP Class finds Class file but not Class in the file

Importing PHP code in Joomla Component development

php require_once path difference between windows and linux

Split PHP code of a module into separated include files

php dry require-once

PHP Require and Include GET

php get require-once

how to allow require_once() to php file in wordpress

PHP Doctrine Beginner: Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup not found

php doctrine pear require-once

what is the purpose of require_once dirname(__FILE__) ...?

php file require-once dirname

PHP absolute path in requireonce

php absolute require-once

how to exclude a file after including it in php?

Using a constant in require_once

php require-once

require_once with subfolders [closed]

php require-once

What is the best way to include PHP libraries when using static factory pattern?

Is there a way to find out which FILE used require_once?

php require-once

Include, require & require_once

what's wrong with my require_once path?

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required

Use Require_once() to include database connection variables correctly

php scope require-once