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Linq 2 Sql - How to design proper repository, controller and view-model flow with entity inheritance

Importing a Git Project into Aptana with SSH Username and Password

Repository pattern for common items

c# unit-testing repository

netbeans: revert project changes from a special date

How can we improve our use of SVN?

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How to get a detached repository working

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eclipse mars/luna unable to read repository

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Is there a ppa/repository for jmeter 3?

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How to setup bare git repository on localhost from existing project?

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Centralized local Maven repository for Team

mvn package ignoring repository in pom.xml

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How to use an Internet Subversion respository when developing code?

How to commit subversion revision with every commit in order to refer between two repositories

Does using msysgit lead to repository corruption?

What is the value-add of Repo (+git)?

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Selective git ignore by remote?

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How to make Hg/Git a remote repo?

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easy way to deploy 3rd party dependencies to a maven repository

Is it okay to bypass the repository pattern for complex queries?

How can I associate local unversioned code to git remote repository?