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New posts in relational-database

Would LIMIT 0,1 speed up a SELECT on a Primary Key?

What does 'relational' in 'relational database' mean for us?

Column Name of PL/SQL Table-Type

Relationship between orders, customers and products?

Unable to create table using pl/sql

How to set up a typical users HABTM roles relationship

How can I populate my database's all tables with random data?

FInd broken relations in MySQL

mysql relational-database

Eloquera object database

Why does a missing primary key/unique key cause deadlock issues on upsert?

What is the difference between MySQL and MariaDB database?

XML to SQL conversion

sql xml relational-database

One-to-One Relation or Use the Same Table?

My alernative to nested sets for arbitrary-depth hierarchical data sets: Good or Bad?

Perfomance SQL Server 2017 Graph vs Neo4j

Serializiation with Protocol Buffers in a Schemaless Database

Difference between 2NF and BCNF

How to implement intersect using where exists or not exists in mysql