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New posts in relational-database

Why does a FLOAT give me a more accurate result than a DECIMAL?

Laravel fetch only pivot columns in many to many relationship

Designing to easily migrate to Google App Engine

choosing primary key datatype numeric (18,0)

Using IDs from multiple tables in a single column

Set Timeout for All Select queries in MySQL running on RDS

Difference between DB::table('table') and model::('table')

Insert multiple rows in one table based on number in another table

Can a foreign key refer to the primary key of its own table?

how to save marital relationship in a database

Mapping Many to Many Relationship w/ Foreign Key Reference

MySQL second auto increment field based on foreign key

PonyORM: What is the most efficient way to add new items to a pony database without knowing which items already exist?

Best way to design organization-specific models in Django?

PetaPoco and Many-to-One, One-to-Many and Many-to-Many relations

design - sixth normal form

How can I make a tag system like stackoverflow.com?

Postgres JOIN implementation

MySQL: Two n:1 relations, but not both at once

Mapping for self referencing entity in EF Code First