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New posts in relational-database

SQL databases: normalization vs. performance?

Does MySQL require a primary key for a many-to-many link table?

PostgreSQL find locks including the table name

Foreign Keys vs. Partial Keys and their E-R representations

Select from a table that uses materialized path to encode a tree, ordered by depth-first (no recursive/ltree)

How to optimize MySQL for handling a small database, i.e. < 100mb?

How revisions control works on quora? Database design

How to do database schema migrations as part of AWS CDK deploy?

Relational algebra to count rows

SQL Server view Stored Procedures full relationships

A Never Delete Relational DB Schema Design

Database design - relations vs properties

How would one represent scheduled events in an RDBMS?

How to model a custom type in a relational database? [closed]

Hibernate Natural ID duplicate issue

relationships between 3 entities in ER diagram--is a ternary enough or are 2 binaries also needed?

Does MySQL support partial indexes?

How to efficiently design database of multi list application

What are Multidimensional Index Structures in Relational Databases?

Foreign key constraint on SailsJS