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New posts in reflection

JavaScript: Getting fully-qualified function name from within it?

Cost of Reflection in moderns JVMs (6 onwards)

java reflection

Can reflection extract initial values used in a trait?

scala reflection scala-2.10

How get properties of one class without custom class types

When does reflection stop being worth it?

Java - Get arguments passed to a method?

java reflection aop

How would you emit the default value of a type?

Get defined parameters for partial function

scala reflection

Java create objects of generic type with unknown in compilation type parameter

Determining if type is a subclass of a generic type

c# generics reflection

Casting generic types without warning?

java generics reflection jaxb

How do i know if something is primitive type after autoboxing?

java reflection autoboxing

How can I create a class dynamically that extends another dynamic class using reflection?

java reflection

Scala: recognising objects of value classes

Get Values From Complex Class Using Reflection

c# xml reflection

How do I find an object(s) by its hashcode?

c# reflection hashcode

Reflection: How do I find and invoke a local functon in C# 7.0?

Class.getMethod when parameter is varargs

In .NET, can you use reflection to get all non-inherited methods of a class?

Access Objective-C property dynamically using the name of the property