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New posts in reflection

Lua - Reflection - Get list of functions/fields on an object?

How can I create an instance of an arbitrary Array type at runtime?

Dynamically get the current line number

java reflection

Quick way to detect empty values via reflection in Go

reflection go

Is using reflection a design smell? [closed]

c# .net reflection

How does protobuf-net achieve respectable performance?

How do i use Activator.CreateInstance with strings?

c# .net reflection activator

Changing read only properties with reflection

c# reflection

Getting type arguments of generic interfaces that a class implements

c# generics reflection

Proguard and reflection in Android

In C#, how can I tell if a property is static? (.Net CF 2.0)

How to get the value of a private static field from a class?

c# reflection

What is the difference between the new operator and Class.newInstance()?

How do I reflectively invoke a method with null as argument?

java reflection

How do you get a variable's name as it was physically typed in its declaration? [duplicate]

c# variables reflection

Determine if a type is static

C# Reflection: How to get the type of a Nullable<int>?

Get enum values via reflection from nested enum in generic class

c# generics reflection enums

Cast with GetType()

c# reflection casting

Java reflection: how to get field value from an object, not knowing its class

java reflection