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New posts in gettype

cursor.getType() and CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException exception

Is there a way to get the type of the objects stored in a generic list?

How to convert the current class name of asp.net usercontrols to string on c#?

C# class type - How to determine whether it is a standard .net framework class

c# reflection gettype

GetType().ToString() Returns Unexpected Characters

c# tostring gettype

Why does the gettype() say it's a double but var_dump() says float?

php gettype var-dump

C# How to Initialize Generic class with object of type "Type"

Type.GetType(string typeName) returns null

How to convert simple_html_dom object back to string?

Using GetCurrentMethod in (supposedly) high-performance code

How to Identify type of a variable

c++ types typeid gettype

How return the type of a System.__COMObject in System.Type in C#

Type.GetType() returning null [duplicate]

Get type in referenced assembly by supplying class name as string?

C# -- how does one access a class' static member, given an instance of that class?

c# static gettype

Get datatype from values passed as string

c# gettype

Type.GetType return null [duplicate]

c# gettype

Why would System.Type.GetType("Xyz") return null if typeof(Xyz) exists?

assemblies clr types gettype

Why does typeof(string[][,]).Name return String[,][] [duplicate]

Unexpected value of System.Type.FullName