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New posts in reflection

Is it possible to call value type operators via reflection?

c# reflection

Get read/write properties of Anonymous Type

How to get a delegate object from an EventInfo?

c# .net reflection

Class.forName() equivalent in .NET?

java c# reflection

C# reflection: If ... else?

How to get properties of a class in WinRT

Java Puzzle with reflection and String

java reflection puzzle

What is the VB equivalent of Java's instanceof and isInstance()?

(Why) Is Reflection so expensive in .Net? [duplicate]

.net performance reflection

Is Reflection really slow?

c# performance reflection

Java: What scenarios call for the use of reflection?

java reflection

Implementing interface at run-time: get_Value method not implemented

How can I get the executing assembly version information in a Windows Store App?

Convert "C# friendly type" name to actual type: "int" => typeof(int)

c# .net reflection types

Calling a function using reflection that has a "params" parameter (MethodBase)

c# reflection parameters mono

Pattern matching on Class[_] type?

How to get the items count from an IList<> got as an object?

How to find return type of a Method in JAVA?

java reflection

Reflection. What can we achieve using it?

c# reflection .net-3.5

this.getClass().getFields().length; always returns 0 [duplicate]

java reflection count field