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New posts in reflection

System.Reflection.MethodInfo.Invoke and multiple threads

Is there a way to determine if a generic type is built from a specific generic type definition?

c# generics reflection types

Failed to get dynamic instance variables via PHP's reflection

php reflection

.NET: Get all classes derived from specific class

Get the default value of a property given its name

Is it possible to use Java Reflection to print out attributes of the parent class?

IllegalArgumentException when calling invoke method using Java Reflections

java reflection invoke

Getting the class name from a generic static method in Java

How to iterate a C# object, looking for all instances of a specific type, in order to build a separate list of those instances?

Find out a method's name in Groovy

Generically rewriting Scala case classes

C# Get Startup Project's Assembly Name

c# reflection .net-assembly

Checking of variable implements interface without compiling

reflection go interface

How to get slice underlying value via reflect.Value

reflection go

Java enum reflection when enum is inside a class

java reflection enums

Deserialization of Json using reflection in C#

Dynamically getting/setting a property of an object in C# 2005

c# reflection

Changing a return type depending on the calling method

Postsharp: how does it work?

How can I tell whether a field is the backing-field of an automatic-implemented property?

.net reflection