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New posts in range-v3

Why do C++20 ranges not provide only pipe syntax?

c++ c++20 range-v3

Sorting Range-v3-zipped containers - can I unzip?

Why does `iota(0) | take(0)` not model ranges::sized_range in C++20?

c++ c++20 range-v3 std-ranges

How to pass a smart iterator to a function that accepts a classic iterator?

c++ c++20 range-v3

How to hide the complex range type of a range-v3?

c++ c++14 c++17 range-v3

Why can views::reverse transform a non-sized_range into a size_range?

c++ c++20 range-v3 std-ranges

Why are there const overloads of mutating Boost.Range algorithms?

c++ c++11 boost c++14 range-v3

Can I pipe to range-v3 accumulate?

c++ c++20 range-v3

How to use C++ ranges to implement numpy.ndindex?

c++ templates range-v3

How to properly forward Invocable types

How to implement a lazily evaluated function on two C++20 ranges?

Removing elements marked for removal with Ranges-V3

Split range into range of overlapping ranges

c++ c++14 range-v3

How to write a range-v3 action for random_shuffle?

c++ algorithm c++14 range-v3

Using gsl::span with range-v3

What is the difference between iterator_category and iterator_concept in C++20?