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New posts in range-v3

Iterating over container or range - problem with constness

c++ visual-c++ range-v3

Why aren't range v3 algorithms pipeable?

c++ stl range-v3

Range-v3: Use view_facade to provide both const and non-const iterators

c++ range-v3

Why does `ranges::view::for_each` require the functor must return a model of the `InputRange` concept?

ranges of ranges to vector of vectors

c++ range-v3

C++ range-v3 library: 'take'-ing first 3 perfect numbers works and halts; 'take'-ing first 4 doesn't stop after 4

Using ranges::view::iota in parallel algorithms

Can I return a temporary piped to a range operation?

c++ range-v3

How to implement flatmap using rangev3 ranges

c++ c++11 range-v3

Why couldn't I get the size of a range in range-v3?

c++ c++11 clang c++14 range-v3

Declaring global const objects in a header file

In ranges-v3, how do I create a range from a pair of iterators?

c++ c++20 range-v3

Does view::join require copyable inner range? Why?

Will we be able to construct containers with views in C++20?

c++ c++20 range-v3

Why didn't `accumulate` make it into Ranges for C++20?

c++ c++20 range-v3

Why is ranges::ostream_iterator default-constructible?

Why does range-v3 put its function objects into an inline namespace?

Is a container sure to be a range conceptually?

How to split a std::string into a range (v3) of std::string_views?

With Range v3 ranges, how to combine views and actions into a single pipeline?

c++ stl std range-v3