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Rails3 plugin - load environment for rake task

Could not find rake-10.0.3 in any of the sources

Rails 3: How to render ERb template in rake task?

ruby-on-rails-3 rake erb

no such file to load -- rdoc/task

NoMethodError: undefined method `on' for main:Object

Rake: how to output a list of tasks from inside a task?

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Rake 0.9.0 'undefined method 'task' ' [duplicate]

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Rake task with multiple parameters and model access not working

Why does default rake task run specs in Rails app?

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How to check if Rails code is running within a migration

ruby-on-rails rake

Why does a Rake task in a loop execute only once?

ruby rake

Heroku run rake db:migrate results in no change in the database, app restarted several times

Rake before task hook

ruby rake

Rails: rake task with arguments not working

Rake task to truncate all tables in Rails 3

Rails: Running more than one rake task at once?

ruby-on-rails rake

Generate only tests from existing model / controllers

Temporarily change current directory in Rake

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psake vs. rake for .NET builds

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Is there a way to make "rake routes" look better?