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Why does a Rake task in a loop execute only once?




I have rails application that connects to multiple databases. I wrote custom rake task that looks like this:

task :migrate_accounts_schema => [:environment] do |t|
  users = User.find :all, :conditions => ["state = 2"], :order => "id asc"
  users.each do |user|            
    if user.state == 2
        :adapter  => "postgresql",
        :host     => user.database_host,
        :port     => user.database_port,
        :username => user.subdomain,
        :password => "#{user.database_password}",
        :database => user.database_name

The problem is that task executes db:migrate only for users[0] user (first user in collection) and there is no errors, just stoppes silently...

Here's output from rake --trace

** Invoke app:migrate_accounts_schema (first_time)
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Execute app:migrate_accounts_schema    
** Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
** Invoke environment 
** Execute db:migrate
** Invoke db:schema:dump (first_time)
** Invoke environment 
** Execute db:schema:dump
** Invoke db:migrate 

I have no idea why the rest of users don't get migrated.

like image 299
Adrian Serafin Avatar asked Jan 27 '11 21:01

Adrian Serafin

People also ask

What do rake tasks do?

Rake is a software task management and build automation tool created by Jim Weirich. It allows the user to specify tasks and describe dependencies as well as to group tasks in a namespace. It is similar in to SCons and Make.

How do you fail a rake task?

You can use abort("message") to gracefully fail rake task. It will print message to stdout and exit with code 1.

How do I run a specific rake task?

Go to Websites & Domains and click Ruby. After gems installation you can try to run a Rake task by clicking Run rake task. In the opened dialog, you can provide some parameters and click OK - this will be equivalent to running the rake utility with the specified parameters in the command line.

Where do rake tasks go?

You have learned about Rake, a popular task runner for Ruby. Use rake -T to find out what tasks are available, create your own tasks & add them to the Rakefile , or inside the lib/tasks folder, and remember that Rake & Rack are different things.

1 Answers

I found answer in the Rake source:


It says that you have to

Reenable the task, allowing its tasks to be executed if the task is invoked again.

e.g. I used this recently on my project this way:

# db/seed.rb

files = Dir.glob("private/catalog/*").sort
files.each do |file|
  next unless File.extname(file) == '.xlsx'
  puts file.split('/').last

So I run rake catalog:upload[some_file] every loop.

Hope this helps. Also see https://stackoverflow.com/a/1290119/3082929

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victorpolko Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 21:09
