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New posts in rails-migrations

Rails db:migrate aborting...not sure why or how to fix it

How to make Rails migration conditional on current RAILS_ENV?

Why did I get an ActiveRecord::Relation object?

Bypass validations during a data only migration to fix validation errors

Create multi column distinct index using mysql with rails migration

mysql rails-migrations

heroku error when i running migration (rails 3.1 cedar stack) [closed]

rake db:migrate updating schema.rb with dropped tables

Reference with custom name and foreign key

Remove past migration in rails

rails changes schema.rb for no reason

Rails error: Index name '...' on table '...' already exists while running rails db:migrate

Rails4 migration- adding null: false to an add_reference method?

Rails 4 migration to change columns data type from string to integer and back preserving data (postgres)

Rails migration to change column type from text to json (Postgresql)

Rails creating schema_migrations - Mysql2::Error: Specified key was too long

Is there a way to resolve Rails deleted migrations?

Rails 4: How to drop or remove (join) tables tables from database?

Use Postgres Multiple Schema Database in Rails

Rails: Remove foreign key constraint

Rails 3 migration for adding unsigned int column