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New posts in rails-migrations

ActiveRecord Migrations with UUID primary key

Managing Rails Migrations for different branches on the same machine

How do I reversibly remove_foreign_key on a table when the column doesn't match the table?

Rails old migrations fail due to validation in model for new column

Truncate table on migration down method of ActiveRecord Rails 3.1

Foreign key in rails 4

Can you create a "temporary" model in Rails migration?

How to skip rails migrations after creating database from dump

Rails 3.2: Invoking up\down from another migration

Rails BLOB/TEXT column used in key specification without a key length

Rails: How to create migration in subdirectory with Rails?

rake db:migrate doesn't work (Rails 4.0.4)

Using rake db:migrate straight, vanilla SQL

Rails migration error

Rails model generation fails due to foreign key type

Test Migrations are not running with my Rails Engine, even though `maintain_test_schema!` is specified

Editing Existing Rails Migrations is a good idea?

Rails Migration Change vs Up & Down methods

Installing migrations from engine won't work

Can I rollback using change_column method in Rails 4 and above?