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In Racket, how do I get or change my working directory?

operating-system racket

Racket URL dispatch

Racket: How to retrieve the path of the running file?

path racket

2 questions at the end of a functional programming course

How do I get the program name in Racket?


Macro-defining macro in Racket?

How to find the minimum positive number that added to 1.0 gives something larger?

scheme racket numerical

For-each and map in Scheme

map foreach scheme racket

Why does using cons to create a pair of two lists produce a list and two elements?

lisp scheme racket

random function in DrRacket

scheme racket

Capturing Macros in Scheme

(define (average ....)) in Lisp

lisp scheme racket

Best way to learn Racket Macro system for imperative style programmers


Increment and Decrement operators in scheme programming language

Returning from a function inside when statement

scheme lisp racket

Why do some lisps put the function name outside of the argument list in a function definition?

How to do a powerset in DrRacket?

scheme racket powerset htdp

How does Racket Scheme's "design by contract" features different from Eiffel?

What is the appropriate Racket/Scheme idiom for this code?

scheme racket dcpu-16

Using Scheme libraries in a Racket program

scheme racket