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You have already activated rack 1.6.0, but your Gemfile requires rack 1.6.4

open-source mini-heroku? [closed]

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How do I use a Rack middleware only for certain paths?

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Ruby Rack - mounting a simple web server that reads index.html as default

Deleting the current session with Rack::Session::Cookie

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Use Rack::CommonLogger in Sinatra

How do I set up a Sinatra app under Apache with Passenger?

Why are there frozen constants everywhere?

rails json response with gzip compression

How to read POST data in rack request

ruby rack

How do you configure WEBrick to use SSL in Rails?

Get ordered list of middleware in a generic rack application?

ruby rake rack middleware

How do I access the Rack environment from within Rails?

Rack concurrency - rack.multithread, async.callback, or both?

ruby rack thin

Rack::Request - how do I get all headers?

ruby http http-headers rack

Is there an easy way to have pow serve https?

How do I redirect without www using Rails 3 / Rack?

Any success with Sinatra working together with EventMachine WebSockets?

How to determine if Rails is running from CLI, console or as server?

How to parse JSON request body in Sinatra just once and expose it to all routes?

ruby sinatra rack