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New posts in quickcheck

What is the general case of QuickCheck's promote function?

Is there a monadic version of Arbitrary to use with QuickCheck?

typeclass challenge: having both variadic arguments and results

Haskell QuickCheck minimal counter example

haskell quickcheck

How can I test functions polymorphic over Applicatives?

QuickCheck 2 batch processing

How do I write QuickCheck tests that don't mimic implementation of the function?

Only generate positive integers with QuickCheck

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verboseCheck in QuickCheck 2?

haskell quickcheck

How can I use multi-line input with QuickCheck in doctest?

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Haskell QuickCheck2 using ByteString?

haskell quickcheck

Show-ing functions used in QuickCheck properties

haskell quickcheck

HUnit/QuickCheck with Continuous Integration

QuickCheck: defining Arbitrary instance in terms of other Arbitraries

haskell quickcheck

QuickCheck exit status on failures, and cabal integration

haskell cabal quickcheck

Generically derive Arbitrary for massive algebraic data types?

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Testing QuickCheck properties against multiple types?

testing haskell quickcheck

How to display a reason of a failed test property with quickcheck?

haskell quickcheck