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New posts in python-3.8

How to perform assignment destructuring using the walrus operator in Python

How can I get user input in a python discord bot?

Python Walrus Operator in While Loops

Deserialization of large numpy arrays using pickle is order of magnitude slower than using numpy

Sharing array of objects with Python multiprocessing

What is the recommended way to annotate datetime objects?

Python 3.8 shared_memory resource_tracker producing unexpected warnings at application close

python 3.8 venv missing activate command

Cannot set field value in assignment expression

How to Install python3.8 on debian 10?

Can't use OpenCV-Python in AWS Lambda

Msys2 with python 3.8: ImportError: cannot import name 'open_code' from 'io'

Is it possible to `mock.patch` functions run in multiprocessing (using `spawn`)?

"TypeError: an integer is required (got type bytes)" when importing pyspark on Python 3.8 [duplicate]

`super` in a `typing.NamedTuple` subclass fails in python 3.8

Cannot install "psycopg2" on Windows 10 with Python 3.8

Docker how to make python 3.8 as default

Can assignment expressions be enabled in Python 3.7 using __future__?

Why can't Python's walrus operator be used to set instance attributes?

Getting the literal out of a python Literal type, at runtime?