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New posts in python-3.8

Top level object in './docker-compose.yml' needs to be an object not '<class 'NoneType'>'

How do Assignment Expressions `:=` work in Python?

python python-3.8

How to deal with Kivy installing error in Python 3.8?

pycharm does not connect to console with python3.8

What does = (equal) do in f-strings inside the expression curly brackets?

ImportError: cannot import name 'sysconfig' from 'distutils' (/usr/lib/python3.8/distutils/__init__.py)

How to downgrade python version from 3.8 to 3.7 (mac)

With assignment expressions in Python 3.8, why do we need to use `as` in `with`?

Is it possible to add a where clause with list comprehension?

How to fix "module 'platform' has no attribute 'linux_distribution'" when installing new packages with Python3.8?

Why is math.sqrt massively slower than exponentiation?

":=" syntax and assignment expressions: what and why?

AttributeError: module 'time' has no attribute 'clock' in Python 3.8