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New posts in python-3.8

Confused why after 2nd evaluation of += operator of immutable string does not change the id in Python3 [duplicate]

Trying to Install Sklearn on Python 3.8 Gives an Error

python python-3.8

How to install opencv-python in python 3.8

How to add a default array of values ​to ArrayField?

Is it possible to specify the pickle protocol when writing pandas to HDF5?

python pandas hdf5 python-3.8

Did I/O become slower since Python 2.7?

Get environment variables in a cloud function

Why is sqrt(x*x + y*y) != math.hypot(x, y) in Python 3.8?

AttributeError: module 'keras.optimizers' has no attribute 'Adam'


How to rewrite this simple loop using assignment expressions introduced in Python 3.8 alpha?

Python 3.8 failed to compile Module _uuid

When running python 3.9.4 I am unable to import tkinter, but downgrading to 3.8.2 works perfectly fine

Filter rows of python datatable based on whether it is in a list

Cplex installation "Could not find a version that satisfies..." and "No matching distribution" for Apple M1

pickle.load fails on (protocol=4) objects from python 3.7 when using python 3.8+ (with default protocol=5)

python pickle python-3.8

SimpleCookie generic type

python mypy python-3.8

How to build list of tasks for asyncio.gather in Python 3.8

PyWin32 and Python 3.8.0

Error :cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object