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New posts in python-2.x

Why does a classmethod's super need a second argument?

Catch Broken Pipe in Python 2 AND Python 3

TypeError: can't pickle dict_items objects

Fast string array - Cython

Pythonic way to ensure unicode in python 2 and 3

Creating a function object from a string

Can a from __future__ import ... guarantee Python 2 and 3 compatibility?

Command-line input causes SyntaxError

Python argparse: command-line argument that can be either named or positional

An equivalent to string.ascii_letters for unicode strings in python 2.x?

python unicode python-2.x

Python2 - using min/max on None type

python-2.x min nonetype

syntax error on nonlocal statement in Python

Python long filename support broken in Windows

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Concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects [duplicate]

python python-2.x

Python 2 and 3 compatible way of iterating through dict with key and value

I set True=False and I can't undo it

python python-2.x

Why are 008 and 009 invalid keys for Python dicts?

Why doesn't except object catch everything in Python?

'Unicode' vs. 'String' with SQLAlchemy and PostgreSQL

Identifying that a variable is a new-style class in Python?

python class python-2.x