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New posts in python-2.x

How to test exceptions with doctest in Python 2.x and 3.x?

Python futurize without replacing / with old_div

Which characters are considered whitespace by split()?

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What's the usage of a virtual subclass?

python 2 and 3 extract domain from url

How to check if a variable matches any item in list using the any() function?

python python-2.x

Convert fraction to decimal in Python

python python-2.x

How can I elide a function wrapper from the traceback in Python-3?

True=False assignment in Python 2.x [duplicate]

ZipFile.testzip() returning different results on Python 2 and Python 3

python3 datetime.timestamp in python2?

How to get source code of function that is wrapped by a decorator?

Why can't I use `import *` in a function?

python python-2.x

Python trying to place keyword arguments after *args

How to detect Python Version 2 or 3 in script?

How do I convert a unicode to a string at the Python level?

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Open files in "rock&roll" mode

Finding network (external) IP addresses using Python

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Uses of Python's "from" keyword?

Why does pickle protocol 2 let me serialise an open file object?

python pickle python-2.x