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Loading a pkl file using dill

How to install dill in IPython?

Serializing an object in __main__ with pickle or dill

python pickle dill

pandas.algos._return_false causes PicklingError with dill.dump_session on CentOS

python - No module named dill while using pickle.load()

python pandas pickle dill

Pickle/dill cannot handle circular references if __hash__ is overridden

multiprocessing -> pathos.multiprocessing and windows

python pickle object with lambdas

python-3.x pickle dill

Cannot pickle lambda function in python 3

python python-3.x pickle dill

Why is dill much faster and more disk-efficient than pickle for numpy arrays

Using python lime as a udf on spark

Python 3.5 dill pickling/unpickling on different servers: "KeyError: 'ClassType'"

Serialize a python function with dependencies

python pickle dill

TypeError: can't pickle dict_items objects

How to use dill to serialize a class definition?

python pickle dill

How to dill (pickle) to file?

python dill

dill vs cPickle speed difference

python lambda pickle dill

What are the pitfalls of using Dill to serialise scikit-learn/statsmodels models?