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New posts in python-2.x

Returning the first N characters of a unicode string

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Modify URL components in Python 2

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How do I check if a user left the 'input' or 'raw_input' prompt empty?

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python: extended ASCII codes

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Python: How to resize an image using PIL module

How to write Russian characters in file?

How can I combine range() functions

python python-2.x

What does the "variable //= a value" syntax mean in Python? [duplicate]

Logging in Python with Config File - Using handlers defined in file through code

python logging python-2.x

Python: Pretty Print in Jupyter Notebook

How to decode the gzip compressed data returned in a HTTP Response in python?

Putting two keys with the same hash into a dict

Keyboard interruptable blocking queue in Python

TypeError: 'cmp' is an invalid keyword argument for this function

Pylint for half-implemented abstract classes

What versions of Python will work in Windows XP?

What is the largest number the Decimal class can handle?

Python 2.x return values for cmp

python python-2.x

Python, replace long dash with short dash?

python replace python-2.x

Why is there a performance difference between the order of a nested loop?

python loops python-2.x