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New posts in pull-to-refresh

UIRefreshControl not working when called prorgammatically

PullToRefresh list with pinned section header

android pull-to-refresh

How to refresh a UIWebView by a "pull down and release" gesture?

Pull to refresh not working in iOS WebView

Disable pull-to-refresh in iOS 15 Safari

How can I use pull-to-refresh functionality in a PhoneGap application without iScroll?

Xamarin Forms ListView Programatic Refresh Not Stopping on Android When Page Loaded

Pull to refresh on UITableView Inside a UIViewController

JQuery Mobile : Pull to refresh list view [duplicate]

mobile: how to prevent pull-to-refresh

How to pass int array of color resource ids from array.xml to SwipeRefreshLayout.setColorSchemeResources

Disable Chrome's pull-to-refresh on iPhone

Disable Pull-To-Refresh

Pull down to refresh in Windows Phone 8.1

Android - how can i know when gridview has reached the bottom?

Error:In <declare-styleable> SherlockSpinner, unable to find attribute android:popupPromptView

UIRefreshcontrol jitters when pulled down and held

Pull To Refresh in iOS 7

ios ios7 pull-to-refresh

Glitchy animation of UIRefreshControl with large titles or searchbar in navigation bar