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New posts in swiperefreshlayout

RecycleView crashes in Fragment because LayoutManager is NULL

How to ask data from firebase database again?

SwipeRefreshLayout from support lib. v21 doesn't work with static content

SwipeRefreshLayout Got Action_Move freezes view

SwipeRefreshLayout doesn't show any indicator of refreshing

No break in SwipeRefreshLayout.java in android 5 onInterceptTouchEvent module

SwipeRefreshLayout and TabLayout issue

SwipeRefreshLayout Freezes on API 4.2.2

How to use PullToRefresh in StaggeredGridView?

SwipeRefreshLayout and refresh state

SwipeRefreshLayout -Attempt to invoke virtual method on a null object reference

Using CoordinatorLayout with SwipeRefreshLayout and RecyclerView and FloatingActionButton together

Espresso test to verify that SwipeRefreshLayout is showing the refreshing indicator

How to refresh SwipeRefreshLayout with two views inside

How can I catch scrolling of element inside android webview

Android SwipeRefreshLayout refresh indicator not visible

Scrolling down triggers refresh instead of revealing the toolbar

Is it possible to set the color scheme of SwipeRefreshLayout in XML?