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New posts in pthreads

C++ using global variable shows 100% slower than a pointer, when using pthread?

How to safely and correctly destroy a mutex in Linux using pthread_mutex_destroy?

pthread_cond_timedwait hanging with gdb

gdb pthreads

What happens if I call a java function from multiple threads from C with JNI?

pthread_create differences in linux kernel 2.4.20 and 2.4.36

c++ linux pthreads

Wait for multiple threads (Posix threads, c++)

pthread waiting condition does not always wake on signal

accessing atomicly two scalar fields

c pthreads atomic c11

__POSIX_VISIBLE is ruining my pthreading on cygwin

c++ gcc cygwin pthreads

Question about zombie processess and threads

c pthreads + valgrind = memory leak : why?

autotools for pthreads not setting correct linker flags

pthreads autotools

How to get function pointer in LLVM

Using a thread in C++ to report progress of computations

c++ unix pthreads

LD_PRELOAD and thread local variable

Check if pthread_mutex is initialized

c linux pthreads posix

Can I lock multiple variables simultaneously?

c++ multithreading pthreads

Does this implementation of mutex locks result in undefined behavior?

Making pthread_rwlock_wrlock recursive

Accessing shared data from a signal handler