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New posts in proxy-classes

How do I serialize all properties of an NHibernate-mapped object?

Proxy object/reference getters vs setters?

spring, how to change cglib naming policy

Automatic Proxy Class

Doctrine 2 proxy classes breaking Symfony2 ACL

UndeclaredThrowableException thrown by IndexOutOfBoundsException

java proxy-classes

dynamic proxies with jmx can cause thread leaks?

creating Java Proxy instance for a class type?

java easymock proxy-classes

binding.pry in BasicObject

How do I make a class, which I can't change, implement an interface?

Can I stop service reference generating ArrayOfString instead of string[]?

Object.assign and proxies

How to Proxy a Promise in JavaScript es6

NHibernate Get objects without proxy

c# nhibernate proxy-classes

Java/JSF/Tomcat/Spring - Proxy-Object has different methods than original object

WCF generated proxy throws InvalidOperationException due to multiple types with same name in WSDL

Passing temporaries as non-const references in C++

Error when using AutoMapper to map from a POCO to an NHibernate proxy object

c# automapper proxy-classes

How to unwrap the original object from a dynamic proxy

Could multiple proxy classes make up a STL-proof bitvector?