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New posts in proxy-classes

Why won't DynamicProxy's interceptor get called for *each* virtual method call?

Can't set "apply" trap to Proxy object

Django proxy model to different database

How to know original class name if wrapped into proxy by Spring?

Under what conditions will `RealProxy.GetTransparentProxy()` return `null`?

Add service reference to ASP.NET Web API service

Right way to return proxy model instance from a base model instance in Django?

Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean?

Dynamically generate classes at runtime in php?

How to test if an object is a Proxy?

What are the downsides to turning off ProxyCreationEnabled for CTP5 of EF code first

Typescript "this" inside a class method

What is a Proxy in Doctrine 2?