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Typescript "this" inside a class method

I know this is probably painfully basic, but i am having a tough time wrapping my head around it.

class Main {      constructor()      {          requestAnimationFrame(this.update);  //fine          }       update(): void      {          requestAnimationFrame(this.update);  //error, because this is window      }  } 

It appears to be the case that I need a proxy, so lets say using Jquery

class Main {      constructor()      {          this.updateProxy = $.proxy(this.update, this);          requestAnimationFrame(this.updateProxy);  //fine          }       updateProxy: () => void      update(): void      {          requestAnimationFrame(this.updateProxy);  //fine      }  } 

But coming from an Actionscript 3 background, I am not really sure what is happening here. Sorry I am not sure where Javascript begins and TypeScript ends.

updateProxy: () => void 

And also, I am not convinced I am doing this right. The last thing I want is most of my class having a a() function which needs to be accessed with aProxy() as I feel I am writing the same thing twice? Is it normal?

like image 336
Clark Avatar asked Apr 22 '13 22:04


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2 Answers

If you want this captured the TypeScript way of doing this is via arrow functions. To quote Anders:

The this in arrow functions is lexically scoped

Here is the way I like to use this to my advantage:

class test{     // Use arrow functions     func1=(arg:string)=>{             return arg+" yeah" + this.prop;     }     func2=(arg:number)=>{             return arg+10 + this.prop;     }             // some property on this     prop = 10;       } 

View this in the TypeScript Playground

You can see that in the generated JavaScript this is captured outside the function call:

var _this = this; this.prop = 10; this.func1 = function (arg) {     return arg + " yeah" + _this.prop; }; 

so the this value inside the function call (which could be window) would not be used.

To learn more: “Understanding this in TypeScript” (4:05) – YouTube

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basarat Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10


If you write your methods like this, 'this' will be treated the way you expect.

class Main {     constructor()     {         requestAnimationFrame(() => this.update());     }      update(): void     {         requestAnimationFrame(() => this.update());     } } 

Another option would be to bind 'this' to the function call:

class Main {     constructor()     {         requestAnimationFrame(this.update.bind(this));     }      update(): void     {         requestAnimationFrame(this.update.bind(this));     } } 
like image 39
joelnet Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 11:10
