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Change Eclipse settings to ignore errors on a specific file

In my dynamic web project in eclipse, I have jQuery in my js source folder. For some reason, Eclipse is not handling it correctly and interpreting many lines as errors in the standard jQuery file (even though I have the javascript development tools installed).

Can I turn off the error checking on the jQuery file (and that file only)? I still want it to detect errors as usual, but ignore anything in jQuery.js.

like image 819
oym Avatar asked Nov 26 '10 04:11


People also ask

Where can I find errors in eclipse?

From the main menu, select Window > Show view > Other. Then select General > Error Log. The error log is displayed, showing the following information for each error: The status of the error (for example, error or warning)

Why is Eclipse not showing errors?

You need to open the eclipse Markers view ( Window->Show View->Markers ), it will show all errors about your project, if you correct all the errors, your problem will most likely be solved.

2 Answers

It looks like eclipse has changed a bit,
but the following method which worked for me seems very close to the old one.

The solution consists of 2 steps:

  1. First you have to update Eclipse's preferences (Window > Preferences):

    Update eclipse's preferences

    Make sure that you check both Manual & Build next to the Validator you need
    (in my case - a javascript one).

  2. Last you should change your project's Validators:

    Update project's validators

    Click on Client-side JavaScript Settings (or any other validator you need):

    Validator settings

    The explanation is clear but basically what you should do is as follows:

    Click on Add Exclude Group..., select it and then click on Add rule....
    Then pick Folder or file name (note that there are other options), and specify your file/folder.

You should be able to verify that its working by deleting the existing errors/warnings,
and then left-click your project and select the Validate option.

This setting can be committed into source control as well.

like image 120
Gábor Lipták Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Gábor Lipták

Perform these steps to solve this(This will disable eclipse validation for Javascript): 1. Go to Eclipse > preference > Javascript> validators > Errors/Warnings 2. Uncheck "Enable JavaScript semantic validation".

If you have messed around with the javascript settings in your projects, then restore everything to default first for all the projects that u have changed. After that, follow the steps.

like image 43
Mandark Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09
