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New posts in proguard

Keep specific Annotation with proguard

spring boot proguard Warning: there were 184 classes in incorrectly named files

Java 7 - Inconsistent stackmap frames - Need help understanding why solution works

Android: proguard is not obfuscating the source

android proguard

Error : Unable to run the app with Firebase jar included

ProGuard ignoring annotation default values

java annotations proguard

Use Proguard only to disable logging and for shrinking resources

Android App crashes on release with proguard

How do I easily obfuscate an Android app when using IntelliJ IDEA?

how to keep class file "package-info.class" generated by JAXB during proguard obfuscation step

xml jaxb proguard

With ProGuard, what is the impact on testing strategy?

ProGuard - org.codehaus.jackson.map.JsonMappingException: No suitable constructor found for type

android proguard restlet

How to configure Proguard to remove non-trivial log messages?

android proguard

Proguard Error when trying to export through android studio

android proguard

The "Xamarin.Build.Download.XamarinBuildAndroidAarProguardConfigs" task could not be loaded from the assembly

Proguard obfuscation is breaking simplexml

ProGuard with Android: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.util.Xml.asAttributeSet

Proguard with OrmLite on Android

How can I exclude external .jar from obfuscation by Proguard (Android project)?

Android Build with Gradle and ProGuard : "The output jar must be specified after an input jar, or it will be empty"