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New posts in proguard

How to use custom proguard.jar in Gradle build?

android gradle proguard

How to secure calling webservice in Android

Exclude some classes from Proguard's keep rules


JavaFX bundle exe not showing TableView contents

ClassNotFoundException: twitter4j.conf.PropertyConfigurationFactory : Android [closed]

Proguard ate my Object.wait()

Export signed APK with ProGuard error

Android proguard issues for release

android proguard

In proguard, what is the keyword to preserve package/default access variables and methods?

java ant proguard

Runtime error wen using Hamcrest Matchers in Android production code with proguard

Obfuscate only one flavour

Enable proguard crashs when run app (Didn't find class "androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory")

android proguard androidx

Program type already present: android.support.customtabs.ICustomTabsCallback$Stub$Proxy

android build proguard

R8 changes "protected" methods of abstract class to "public" without -allowaccessmodification flag

Unable to get provider : ClassNotFoundException

Android, Does Log reduces application speed?

android logging proguard

ProGuard doesn't generate mapping file

android apk proguard

With ProGuard, how do I obfuscate just one class?


What are the ProGuard rules for Firebase?

android firebase proguard

Error Proguard Unsupported class version number