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New posts in proguard

PerferenceActivity with PreferenceFragment fails on device with proguard okay without proguard

proguard doesnt ignore referenced libraries

android proguard

Mopub ads not showing

Proguard android app which uses support lib crashes

Proguard Warning : com.example.android.PaymentGateway: can't find referenced field 'int container_pg' in class com.example.android.R$id

android proguard

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:packageRelease'.> Unable to compute hash of ..\app\build\intermediates\classes-proguard\..\release\classes.jar

integration proguard

Android lifecycle observers don't trigger when code is minified by R8

Why does ProGuard keep the onCreate() method?

android proguard

keep only function names when obfuscation for proguard

java proguard

Using Proguard to remove unused classes in Google Play Services library

proguard problems in android studio

android proguard

ProGuard Performance - Will ProGuard make my software faster?

java performance proguard

Unknown Source when I use Proguard

Android - gradle testProguardFile - what is its purpose relating to unit tests

Errors generating signed apk for release : Proguard config

Instabug Proguard issue

android proguard instabug

Android Room Persistence Library Proguard Configuration

Android proguard obfuscated code is causing NullPointerException when it really shouldn't be

What are features of using Proguard in project with Protocol Buffers?

remove unused classes with proguard for Android

android proguard