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New posts in proguard

How to generate mapping.txt using Eclipse?

android eclipse proguard

Proguard to obfuscate Android code with DNSJava library

android proguard dnsjava

Android proguard incomplete stacktrace

How to obfuscate with ProGuard but keep names readable while testing?

Note: com.google.common.cache.Striped64 accesses a declared field 'base' dynamically

how to obfuscate the war file using proguard

java obfuscation proguard

crash using ORMLite on Android with proguard

Obfuscating ORMLite model classes with Proguard

android proguard ormlite

Flexjson and Dexguard/Proguard

How to use proguard on intellij IDEA?

java proguard

proguard with multi versioned jars

proguard log4j2 java-9

Duplicate class found in modules with R8 enabled

How to obfuscate a webapp using Maven and ProGuard

Proguard injars and libraryjars

java obfuscation proguard

Always running proguard before Android dex'ing in Eclipse

java android eclipse proguard

Removing logging with Proguard and optimized Android config file

Android Gradle build resulting apk contains both obfuscated and non-obfuscated classes

Proguard returned error with Google Play Services library

Why won't my Xamarin.Android project build with Proguard enabled: "java.exe" exited with code 1

How to set up ProGuard in Eclipse when exporting a signed, obfuscated Android application?