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New posts in programming-languages

Device Enable/Disable script

What are some examples of configuration languages?


What programming languages, without a runtime, besides C, are good for writing programming languages? [closed]

Why do interpreted/scripting languages rarely have multi-line comments?

Need good language for math- and logic-heavy research programming


What is the best way to reuse the Lua parser?

Languages that optimise using logic programming

Why does the default value of a boolean variable tend to be false? [closed]

Does "untyped" mean the same as "dynamically typing"? [duplicate]

Compound assignment operators, what happens if the value is modified (in the meanwhile)?

What do I need to learn to build an interpreter?

Which programming languages have arbitrary precision floating-point literals?

Deterministic Context-Free Grammar versus Context-Free Grammar?

Why programming languages don't have an 'allow specific classes' access modifier


Does polymorphism in programming languages imply subset relation between the types involved?

How to infer coercions?

mini scripting language on top of php

Any good audio sources to learn programming? [closed]

Is it possible to unify the concepts of inheritance and parametric polymorphism?

What language do they build other languages with?