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New posts in prng

Default seed PRNG in Java

java random prng

I need a portable, consistent pseudorandom number generator

perl prng

How to test PRNG?

testing random prng

Which PRNG is suited for a functional usage?

Why does this random() distribution look asymmetric?

What are good methods for hashing bits in an Int32 or UInt32?

c# bit-manipulation prng

Finding seeds for a 5 byte PRNG

algorithm random prng

Is java.secure.random a sufficient choice for gambling industry?

java algorithm random prng

PHP - Pseudo Random Number Generator?

php random numbers prng

C++ thread-safe uniform distribution random number generation

Issues with seeding a pseudo-random number generator more than once?

c++ random seed prng srand

Security of generating hash salts using PHP's mt_rand()?

php hash salt prng

What's the randomness quality of the Perlin/Simplex Noise algorithms?

Pseudorandom generator in Assembly Language

algorithm assembly prng

Is there "good" PRNG generating values without hidden state?

algorithm prng bijection

Is OS X's SecRandomCopyBytes fork safe?

C++11 Generating random numbers from frequently changing range

An RNG faster than /dev/random but cryptographically useful?

linux random cryptography prng

Simple method call is really slow?

c# performance prng

Is Ruby's seed for OpenSSL::Random sufficient?