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New posts in prng

Do PRNG need to be thread safe?

thread-safety random prng

Internal parallelization by CPU

c++ c performance prng

Looking for decent-quality PRNG with only 32 bits of state

c random prng

no cryptography random generator seed allowed in C#?

c# visual-studio random prng

How do I generate 6 random numbers between 1 and 6 using Java?

java arrays random numbers prng

Pitfalls of cryptographic code

security cryptography prng

Is it safe to take only a few bits from a number obtained with a Mersenne Twister

c random prng mersenne-twister

mt19937 and uniform_real_distribution

Read Intel DRBG parameters

security intel prng rdrand

Cycle of SecureRandom of Java

java random prng

Cross-platform cross-language cross-everything actually deterministic random number generator

random cryptography prng

What platforms offer SystemRandom?

Why is my implementation of the parking lot test for random number generators producing bad results?

Can a cryptographic hash algorithm be used as a PRNG?

hash random prng

How do I switch between local and global settings for the initial state of a C++11 RNG?

c++ c++11 prng

Random access encryption with AES In Counter mode using Fortuna PRNG:

security encryption prng

What makes the Mersenne Twister Tempering function reversible?


How to use Stanford PRNG to generate a random string?

javascript random prng sjcl

How to seed the PRNG for BN_generate_prime

c openssl bignum prng

Generating a random double between a range of values