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New posts in private-constructor

How to return a class instance on the heap, when the relevant ctor is private?

Json.NET - how to serialize an external class with internal constructor?

How does this code create an instance of a class which has only a private constructor?

c++ private-constructor

Why System class declared as final and with private constructor? [duplicate]

copy constructor is implicitly deleted because the default definition would be ill-formed

Static Class VS Private Constructor

Preventing call of a private constructor from within the class in Java

Private vs Static constructors in .Net

Final class with private constructor, what is the design principle

JaCoCo and missed coverage of private default constructor

Instantiate a derived class object, whose base class ctor is private

Why HTTPServlet is an abstract class? Any functional reason?

Using private constructor in a macro

Which is the difference between declaring a constructor private and =delete?

abstract class vs private constructor

Difference between java enum with no values and utility class with private constructor

How to instantiate an object with a private constructor in C#?

Scala case class private constructor but public apply method

private constructor [duplicate]

c++ private-constructor