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New posts in precision

For any finite floating point value, is it guaranteed that x - x == 0?

Rotating vectors in space and high precision in C++

c++ precision

Numerical issues integrating a pulse signal that is delayed (fixedDelay)

Mathematically determine the precision and scale of a decimal value

c# .net math decimal precision

Java double losing precision calculation

java math double precision

CUDA C using single precision flop on doubles

Is there a standard way to get the nth `nextafter` floating-point value in C++

BigDecimal precision not persisted with JPA annotations

Python scikit learn multi-class multi-label performance metrics?

Rand Index function (clustering performance evaluation)

Create_Analytics in RTextTools

Which numeric type conversion is better for simple math operation?

Understanding of Guru of the Week #67: Double or Nothing

Double value with two decimal using NumberFormat

Why does 0.1 + 0.2 get 0.3 in Google Go?

go precision

C++ float vs double cout setprecision oddities(newbie)

MS SQL datetime precision problem

Are floating point operations in Delphi deterministic?

Output of strtoull() loses precision when converted to double and then back to uint64_t

c++ precision strtol strtoull

Fortran - setting kind/precision of a variable at run time

fortran precision