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New posts in post-commit

Only trigger a build on commits to the trunk with svn

svn hudson post-commit

SVN post-commit hook not executing file

svn hook post-commit

How can I open a TTY for interaction with git-push hooks?

SVN post commit hook to email user when a particular file is changed

svn post-commit svn-hooks

Delete and completely remove the commit from git history

post commit hook to update a file under version

svn hook post-commit

Pretty SVN commit emails: templates [closed]

svn email post-commit

Github commit messages to Skype chat bot

git github skype post-commit

Hudson - missing Trigger builds remotely option

build hudson post-commit

SVN Post-Commit Hook error 255

how to get project path in hook script post-commit?(git)

git path post-commit

read-only git mirror of an svn repository

svn git post-commit

Running another program in Windows bat file and not create child process

Using SVN post-commit hook to update only files that have been committed

svn hook post-commit

Post Commit Hook Not Running

How do I make Subversion (SVN) send email on checkins?

Editing the git commit message in GitHub

git github commit post-commit